sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015




A. Jeff Toms is marketing director at an international cultural training centre. Listen to the first part of the interview and answer the questions.

1. The prayer times and the movements

2. For Americans time is money and they´ll try to get on with agenda quickly so latin cultures prefer relationship building. they´ll want to entertain they for sure.

B. Listen the second part of the interview and say what qualities companies should look for when staff abroad.

Best person to conduct that business interantionallity and prepared to change the parameters with which they were intending to do business.

C. Listen to the final part of the interview and complete the gaps.


C. Consider the context of each idiom in exercise A and decide which have:

 1. a positive meaning:

points 1, 2, 4, 5

2 a negative meaning

points 3, 6, 7, 8.


A. listen to a conversation between two people who have recently met. What is wrong? How can it be improved?

She wants to talk with him and he doesn,t want so I think he should be more especifict in his answer.

B. In what business situations would you see these expressions:

C. What would you say in the following situations?

E. What can you say in the first five minutes of meeting someone? match the questions:

F. What are the safe topics of conversation for this short of situation? which topics would you avoid?


Is this your first visit to the region?
How long have you been there?
How you been to tokyo before?
How long are you staying?


Business or pleasure?
What`s the food like?
What do you think of Tokyo?

G. In your opinion, which of these items of advice for a successful conversation are useful and which are not?


A. Read the article below quickly and decide which of the following (1-5) are:

B. Read the article and answer the questions:

1. a) likely to have in common                              

professional knowledge and skills                        within a single international organization
b) likely not to have in common?forms of work , social skills , body language and ways of doing business

C. What do you think should be covered in a cultural training course?

I think that how it is due to introduce another person , the expressions , behavior , habits and customs.

D. Write a paragraph using information from the article and giving tips to people doing business in the UK.

To exist an intercultural exchange and are prosperous business , companies must train people sent to another country to do business, with respect to the culture , customs , how to act in front of a situation. It is important to know all the fundamental aspects of doing business , companies must ensure that their employees know about the culture to which they will enter . They are Latino , Asian or European , customs and culture must be known .






A. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the five most important. Is there anything missing from the list? which do you think are not important' Why?

Important for getting a job

Experience, qualifications, education, references, intelligence

Anything missing

Competences, skills, abilities

 Not important

Appearance, blood group, hobbies, marital status, age, sickness record, astrological sign, handwriting

B. Think about jobs you`ve had and iterviews you`ve attended, ask each other about your best or worst:

Job: McDonalds
Boss: Camilo Rincon
Colleage: Someone
Job: IQA
Boss: N/A
Colleage. Someone


A. Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box.

B. Match the verbs (1-6) to the nouns (a-f) to make word partherships

D. When companies are recruting, what sort of qualities in employees do they look for?

they look experience, a skills, abilities, qualities, strengths, and weaknesses.

E. Look at the different types of people. which do you think are the most desirable for companies to employ?


A.Choose the most appropiate verb. There are some situations where both verbs are possible. Can you say why?

B. Read these notes on Chinese business protocol. how does each piece of advice compare with the situation in your country?

Greetings: We thanks given when it is finished a conversation.
Business cards: just give the cards to another person
Gift-giving: Flowers is a good present, as well as a chocolate, caramels and cakes
Entertaining at home: unfortunately we aren`t as precise when fulfiilling an invitation


A. In each of the sentences, two of the verbs are possible and one is incorrect, cross out the incorrect verb.

B. Match the sentence halves

C. Choose the most appropriate form of the verb to complete the sentences

D. Make sentences of your own with the verbs in bold in exercise B, using either the ing form or the infinitive

  • I recommend to call to your mom
  • She can´t afford to travel all mounth
  • it is involving that this doesn´t can do
  • I promised to invite you next weekend 
  • You refused to follow our plans


A. Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences

B. Listen and complete the conversation:

C. Make a list of the conditional sentences in the dialogue in exercise B. For each sentence decide if the events are:

a) very likely

"On 30.000, nothing"
"we can normally guarantee to despatch a large order within three weeks"
"usually, you´d be responsible for that"

b) less certain or imaginary

"if you buy 50.000 scarves..."
"we will offer you 30 days credit"
"if the order was really large, that would be negotiable"

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